TV documentary, 26 minutes, premiere:
Family or carreer? What is the purpose of a family nowadays? How does the new phenomena affect it? Many more questions are asked throughtout a TV documentary (26 min), which is part of a TV series Colnica / The Customs. The film is a reflexion taken by a Ladce-based family of eleven, the Ježos, contemplating the family as the basic social model. The father’s hobby provides plenty of materials from the family archive, documenting the ever-growing number of family members. Their individual worldviews form a unique in-family cross-generational picture of how family-related topics on love, life and faith are perceived.
Directed by: Miro Remo
Director of photography: Jaro Vaľko, Ľubomír Ježo st.
Screenplay: Miro Remo
Edit: Marek Kráľovský
Sound: Igor Baar
Production: Furiafilm+, Kontrafilm, ČT, RTVS
Supervision: Marek Leščák
Assistant director: Marek Kučera
Sound recording: Jaro Hlísta, Matej Hlaváč
Cast: Ľubomír Ježo st., Mária Ježová st., Viera Ježová, Marek Ježo, Ľubomír Ježo, Matúš Ježo, Mária Ježová, Oľga Ježová, Jana Ježová, Kristína Ježová, Ľudmila Ježová